Kingmyopro is transforming the way therapists THINK-ABOUT and TREAT musculoskeletal pain.
I am passionate about the Myotherapy industry. Myotherapists, RMTs, MSTs and Physios alike can learn that soft tissue manipulation can be fast and functional. Get amazing outcomes consistently and don't wear out your body!
This training is my encouragement to you, to aim high and excel in technique, results and patient satisfaction. I am passionate about seeing soft tissue therapists realise what is possible.
The full KingMyoPro course will teach you:
- How to apply this technique to every region of the body.
- Problem solving frameworks to unravel complex structural and myofascial pain syndromes.
- Real case studies to help you apply the technique and problem solving to your clinical setting.
- Scientific rationale for the technique by surveying recent literature.
Fill in this form to express your interest in the KingMyoPro training and receive a complimentary training clip.
I am happy to chat with you, answer your questions. And help you determine if this training is a fit for you.