To be fair I was already using a combination of trigger point work and Myofascial release work and getting rocking results. What this training has done is to highlight that treatments can be shorter and clothed. Which has allowed me to give better treatments to my clients that find dressing/undressing very painful and therefore not coming in for treatment “in particular those awaiting surgery” which is one of my target markets. I have clients who are waiting and the Kingmyopro style of treatment is allowing them to keep working, functioning to the best of their ability which will only help them keep retain muscle health and improve their post-operative results and recovery time. Clients are universally surprised at the tiny amount touch required to increase Range of Movement especially to their neck movements. The reduction in pain especially of ‘joint’ pain has had clients amazed and impressed. I have been called a ‘white witch’ by clients before but now this happens on a daily basis!!

Vast Confidence increase in the area of treat, test, retreat throughout the treatment. whereas previously I would test at the start treat for an hour and then retest. if the clients feedback was it has improved but not gone I would feel disappointed whereas now I feel confident enough to ask them to get up and move where as previously I felt it would be disturbing them in some way I now consistently treat, test retreat test throughout the treatment.

I can see people for 30mins instead of 60mins or 90mins. I can send them to other staff members to fulfil their relaxation and touch needs. so, I can focus on helping people out of pain. There is no dressing/undressing therefore utilizing the 30mins in treatment, assessment and note taking as part of the treatment. reducing the need for admin breaks between clients.

I can foresee future Clinic growth and an ability to help more people in a more permanent way. Side effects of this will be a freeing up of time to allow for a better workalike balance.