My 2 cents…
This is a scary question:
In recent years Travell and Simons work has been ‘discredited’ by several studies as not evidence based and ‘shelved’ by many therapists. Check some such articles here and here.
When I started working 20 years ago Travell and Simons work was THE text that SEPARATED Myo from well, everything else. In fact it was the insertion of Travell and Simons work that was the inspiration for the creation / evolution of the then 2 year Assoc. Dip. Remedial massage RMIT to BECOME ‘Myotherapy’.
So, this leads to the bigger and scarier question: If Travell and Simons is no longer ‘regarded’ by Myotherapy educators, then what on earth is the real defining difference between Myotherapy and everyone else that uses taping, dry needling and hands on soft tissue techniques?
I don’t think Travell and Simons trigger point theory is perfect but the clinical observation of referred pain patterns has underpinned my problem solving framework that has enabled me to build to 100 patients a week within a 3 year time frame.
Have a poke around this site: