Thankyou for your enquiry into the kingmyopro training. We will contact you shortly with further detail.
When I was about 2 years into practicing, my forearms started to fail.
I was getting good results but I just could not keep this up. I needed a more efficient technique.
My journey of discovery led me to what you will watch below. This technique became a foundation that empowered me to create a powerful problem solving framework that has enabled me to efficiently resolve complex pain patterns for years WITHOUT wearing out.
Timothy J. King – BTh., Adv. Dip. App. Sci. Myo. Member MA.
“I absolutely loved the course and found it so valuable in being able to actually apply the modules into my treatments. I have found myself wanting to rewatch modules time and time again. I think I feel like I can fix people better than I ever have before and that this training has tweeked my treatments so patients are getting the most out of each treatment.”
Jackie Stephens – Myotherapist – WA